How this formula works:
Terra’s Tips:
Recover is a product that I use for clients with long-standing adrenal fatigue symptoms such as acute lethargy. It is not recommended for use during times of actual infectious disease contagion. It is for use as a strengthening/toning agent to support an immune system that has been compromised but is past the phase of acute infection. Highly recommended as a possible adjunct to client's daily supplemental routine.
Directions: This 4 oz. bottle is recommended as a daily immune elixir, 2 droppers 2x daily (approx. 1 tsp 2x daily).
“The King Herb” for tonifying qi, or lifeforce
Supports the lungs and spleen, improves mood, reduces stress and inflammation, improves brain function
Contraindicated for high blood pressure
The botanical name Panax (genus of the ginseng species) means “all heal” in Greek
Adaptogenic tonic that helps build strength, supports the immune system and aids recovery for chronic or acute illnesses
Taoists say ginseng has the strongest ability of any herb to absorb the energy from the earth