Presented by Terra Green Gold Founder at Terra Gold Wellness
Terra has been an integrative health practitioner and professional artist for over 20 years. She has certificates and degrees in Integrative Body Psychotherapy, clinical nutrition, East West medicine, Acupuncture and vocal yoga. Terra has taught yoga for 27 years and is a certified yoga therapist. She co-wrote the best selling and internationally recognized yoga therapy medical textbook, Yoga Therapy and Integrative Medicine: Where Ancient Science Meets Modern Medicine.
Terra encourages integrated wellness as it is the container for the creative to move throughout us. Throughout her life she has woven arts, culture and the creative with wellness, spirituality and ritual to create her own vibrant life. She currently lives and has her office in Santa Barbara, California. Beyond her works in the world, she greatly enjoys being a mom to her son, River.
I look forward to sharing this journey with you,

Terra Gold - Terra Wellness Integrative Medicine,
Acupuncture, Functional and Chinese Medicine
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